not your usual BOOB
The Good, Bad, and Wonky of Breast Cancer
Dear Reader,
When I got my breast cancer diagnosis, I was immediately inundated with books on Cancer. They terrified me.
So, this book…is Not Your Usual Boob. A little informative, a little sarcastic, a little funny—I hope—and a lot real. This is the book I wish I could have read in my time of need. A little bit of what you can expect during your journey, and how to prepare yourself with a healthy mindset and coping skills before they’re needed. The #NoFilter is exactly that...no filter on the front cover—me and all my wonkiness with no photoshop—and it’s what you’ll find inside these pages—including an F-bomb or five.
Because more important than shielding myself is being real with you. You may laugh, you may cry, you may want to punch me in the face...but in the end, remember this. If you ever meet me, I’m hugging you. Because that’s me. And more than anything, that is the big reason behind this book.
I am still ME. And YOU are still YOU.
And don’t forget to check your breasts EVERY month. Click HERE for a little help.
XO ~ MK Meredith
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“Honest and real…” 5 stars
“Amazing true story of courage with humor and heart…” 5 stars
“The best kinds of tears are ones through laughter…” 5 stars
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Are you reading NOT YOUR USUAL BOOB and want to see the photos indexed at the back in color? Click HERE.